Sunday, September 8, 2013

Live your life, the fullest!

Hi All - This is the first poem in my blog and  I am extremely happy to have started this blog. I would like to thank my brother for encouraging me to start my blog which I could use to showcase my creativity.

Life shows you many things,
sometimes good, sometimes bad,
unexpected things happen at times,
can we do anything but we need to  face it
Its all part of our life!

Why it happened, When it happened?
useless things they are
Live your life, the fullest
Only God knows what will happen next,
So, why worry about tomorrow?

Enjoy all part of your life,
each moment is precious
Be happy in life always,
Its your life, you know it better,
live your life, the fullest!


Would love to hear your valuable feedback. It will help me to improve my work!